Avoid Common Mistakes When Maintaining Your Car Engine with Synthetic Oil in Staten Island
Taking care of our vehicle is vital for its proper functioning and by giving regular maintenance you can avoid many problems in the long term.
Vipa Synthetics has put together a few easy to follow tips to avoid common mistaken when fixing your car.
Don't Over Tighten Your Filter
While it may seem obvious, when replacing your oil and fuel filters, ensure they are installed correctly and you don't over tighten screws and clamps. Preventing your filter from sitting comfortable and correctly in place can cause your filter to lose its benefits and allow debris to enter your engine.
Drain Your Fluids
If you can't remember the last time that you emptied and replaced your oil and fluids, now is the time. While you can get away with topping up your levels for a short while, over time a
replacement is needed.
Don't Get Tired or Your Tires
Just because they look like they are in good condition, they may need changing. Take some time and inspect your tires thoroughly to check for any extreme wear or damage. If you notice anything, speak with your local tire store straight away. Driving on unsafe tires can lead to serious problems.
Get the Best Synthetic Oil in Staten Island
If it's time for your next regular car service, take note of the above tips to help you get the most out of your time. Now is also a great time to make the switch to
Amsoil Oil in Staten Island. Speak with
Vipa Synthetics on
718 948 6384 and speak with us about how synthetic oil in Staten Island can benefit your car's engine. On top of this, we have put together some advice on how to help extend the life of your battery.
Three Easy Tips to Help Extend the Life of Your Battery
How you drive and use your car directly and greatly affects the lifespan of your battery. While batteries are designed to last a decent while,
VipaSynthetics has a few ways to get that bit extra.
Store Your Car Indoors
Just like your conventional engine oil, your battery is susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures. When parking your car, do your best to keep it in your garage out of the elements where it can maintain a more regular temperature.
Don't Overload Your Battery
Remember that the battery of your car has a main purpose - to provide power to your car. Be mindful about charging multiple gadgets at a time, especially using multi-cable adapters as these can put un-designed for strain on your battery.
Maintain Its Power Source
Keeping your battery charged is vital to its performance, and can be easier than you think. Switch out your old conventional oil for an
Amsoil Oil in Staten Island. Giving your engine superior lubrication allows it to run smoother, requiring less energy to keep your battery charged.
Avoid Short Journeys
When you start your car is the when your battery is taxed the most, providing immediate power to your car's electronics and getting your engine underway. If it's just a short trip down the road, consider walking or taking your bike. The less burst of strain you can put on your battery, the better.
Add Synthetic Oil to your Engine in Staten Island
A longer battery life can be just one of the great benefits that switching to a synthetic oil can have on your engine. Speak with an expert at
VipaSynthetics on
(718) 948-6384 and ask about the right synthetic oil for you.